famous paintings

"Saint Catherine of Siena" by Carlo Dolci
Where is the light coming from?
The light is coming from above the subject, to the right side of their face.
How can you duplicate that light?
I can use a studio light or a light replacement (light and reflector).
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
I will need a thorn crown and a blue background. 
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The painter painted the subject at eye level with the subject facing slightly away so the shadow casts on one side of the face.  What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
I will need some sort of habit costume, or white and black sheets. Who would be a good model?
My friend Haley would be a good model because of her face shape.List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
The model will need a habit, a thorn crown, a tear (or some sort of glass drop on their face), pale foundation to create the appearance of dewy skin, and will have their face slightly turned to the left and upward.What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
The three most difficult things to duplicate will probably be the skin tone, tear, and angle of the subject's face. 

 "Gulnihal" by Frederic Leighton
Where is the light coming from?
The light is coming from a slightly overhead soft light.
How can you duplicate that light?
I can use natural light or a soft reflector.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
The blue painted background needs to be replicated. 
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The painter had the subject turn her face so you can only see one side; he painted the subject from just very slightly below her eye level. What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
I will need some sort of satin, silk, or lace skin colored button down with a green and satin top underneath and a red and lace camisole under that. Who would be a good model?
My friend Emily would be a good model because she has red hair, bangs, and a similar face shape. List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
The model will need to be wearing delicate and elegant clothing, and I definitely want to capture that beautiful green with the model's red hair. The model will also need clear pale skin and wavy hair in a messy bun. What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
 The three most difficult things to duplicate will be the clothing, soft lighting, and perfect angle.

"Angel of Annunciation" by Carlo Dolci
Where is the light coming from?
The light is coming from overhead to the left of the subject.
How can you duplicate that light?
I can duplicate the light with a studio light or with a reflector above the model.
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
I will need angel wings and a small bouquet of lillies (orchids would probably work as well). 
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
The painter is slightly above the model, with the angel wings barely visible behind her, and only one side of her face clearly visible. What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
I will need a green satin or silk robe with red and blue satin shirts underneath, and gold detailing on all of the collars and sleeves. Who would be a good model?
Cara would be a good model because of her long hair and face shape.List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?
The three most difficult things will be the props (wings and lillies), clothes, and lighting. 


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